Catch Phrase | 躺赢 (tǎngyíng)

Writer: Debra Li  | Editor: Stephanie Yang  | From:  | Updated: 2018-10-29


“躺” means to “lie down,” and “赢” means to “win.” This term, first used by players of the popular online game “League of Legends,” literally means “One wins a game by doing nothing at all and just lying down on the floor.” Given that “League of Legends” is actually a highly combative game, winning it by doing nothing can be a sheer miracle. Therefore, this term means “winning by sheer luck” and is often used sarcastically. For example, Cristiano Ronaldo was said to “win by lying down” when Portugal won Euro 2016 after he left the pitch because of injury 25 minutes into the final game.


A: 我有个同学运气特别好,不怎么认真学习但每次考试都全班第一。

Wǒ yǒu ge tóngxué yùnqì tèbié hǎo,bù zěnme rènzhēn xuéxí dàn měicì kǎoshì dōu quánbān dìyī。

One of my classmates is very lucky. He doesn’t work hard but always comes first in exams.

B: 你只是没看到他的努力,不要相信躺赢这种故事。

Nǐ zhǐ shì méi kàndào tā de nǔlì,búyào xiàngxìn tǎngyíng zhèzhǒng gùshì。

It’s just that you didn’t see his efforts. Never believe in such stories where people can win by doing nothing at all.