
The many-spotted cat snake

Writer: Isaac Cohen  |  Editor: Liu Minxia  |  From: Shenzhen Daily

A spotted cat snake is seen resting in the woods in Meilin, Futian District. 

Probably one of the most beautiful snakes you can find in Shenzhen, the many-spotted cat snake (Boiga multomaculata), is a fairly small reptile with an average length of 50 cm. You will recognize it by its striking brownish color and the large oval spots all over its body.


The head of the cat snake has a triangular shape that clearly differentiates from the body and it has a really beautiful arrow head shaped mark that goes all over the head from the neck to the snout. Their eyes are big compared to the size of the head and the pupils are vertical, similar to viper snakes.

A spotted cat snake is seen resting in the woods in Meilin, Futian District. 


Spotted cat snakes are a nocturnal species that mostly spend time in the bushes waiting for a small frog or a gecko to pass by. They will contract their bodies into a fabulous S shape before striking, hit their prey with their rear fangs and then inject paralyzing venom into the prey.


A spotted cat snake is seen resting in the woods in Meilin, Futian District. 

Despite being a venomous snake, cat snakes don’t present a threat to humans, since their venom does not affect humans in any possible way. Cat snakes are not an aggressive species. They are calm unless bothered.


The rapid growth of the cities and the human intervention in forestry areas are a real threat to snakes. It is important to protect these fantastic animals that play a significant role in the dynamics of our environment by controlling other animals’ populations and by acting as a link in the complex food chain of our urban ecosystems.
