
Cultural property exchange revives classic painting

Writer: Chen Siqi  |  Editor: Lin Songtao  |  From: Shenzhen Daily  |  Updated: 2023-06-05

The Shenzhen Cultural Property Exchange will present its accomplishments in cultural digitalization at Hall 9, featuring digital cultural products in the Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center during the 19th China (Shenzhen) International Cultural Industries Fair (ICIF) on Friday and Saturday.

One of the highlights that the exchange will debut to the audience will be its effort to “revive” a famous ancient Chinese painting utilizing digital technologies. Visitors will have the chance to view this famous painting “A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains,” recognized as one of the 10 treasured Chinese paintings passed down through generations, on a digital screen accompanied by captivating light effects.

During the cultural fair, the exchange will sign deals with exceptional intellectual properties (IPs), such as MK MONKEY KING. The exchange aims to nurture more prominent cultural works and products, thereby continuously promoting the industrialization of cultural IP.