
Chefs showcase culinary skills

Writer: Sun Yuchen  |  Editor: Zhang Chanwen  |  From: Shenzhen Daily  |  Updated: 2023-08-25

Video by Sun Yuchen

An armed police brigade in Shenzhen held a cooking contest Wednesday, bringing together chefs from the Shenzhen Military Supply Station and the armed police brigade. The contest was to bolster logistical support capabilities and guarantee that armed police officers are provided with nourishing meals to sustain their combat readiness in the field. A panel of seven experts from both military and civilian backgrounds served as judges, while over 100 armed police officers were present to observe the culinary creations, sample the dishes and assign scores based on the dishes’ taste and presentation.

Chefs of an armed police brigade in Shenzhen showcase their skills in a cooking contest Wednesday. Photos by Sun Yuchen

Soldiers give a thumbs-up for the dishes the chefs made. 

Judges at the cooking contest.

Judges observe the processes of the culinary creations.

Over 100 police officers sample the dishes.

Contestants prepare the food.

Chefs cook at the contest.

Judges comment on the dishes.

An armed police brigade in Shenzhen held a cooking contest Wednesday, bringing together chefs from the Shenzhen Military Supply Station and the armed police brigade. The contest was to bolster logistical support capabilities and guarantee that armed police officers are provided with nourishing meals to sustain their combat readiness in the field.