
The rufous-tailed robin

Writer: Isaac Cohen  |  Editor: Zhang Chanwen  |  From: Shenzhen Daily

A female rufous-tailed robin is seen on the ground in Wutong Mountain, Luohu District. Photos by Isaac Cohen

The rufous-tailed robin

The rufous-tailed robin (Larvivora sibilans) is a small songbird inhabiting Asia’s dense forests. This charming bird isabout 13 centimeters in length. The males have a predominantly gray-brown plumage, with a reddish-brown tail that gives the species its name. They also display a white throat and underparts, with subtle orange tones on the breast. Females share a similar coloration with a duller appearance.


A female rufous-tailed robin is seen on the ground in Wutong Mountain.

The rufous-tailed robin primarily feeds on insects, spiders, worms, and other small invertebrates. It forages on the forest floor, using its sharp beak to probe the leaf litter and soil in search of prey.


A female rufous-tailed robin is seen on the ground in Wutong Mountain.

This agile and active bird hops and runs along the forest floor, occasionally perching on low branches to observe its surroundings. It is generally solitary or found in pairs during the breeding season, typically between April and July.

The male sings by day, but also by night during the breeding season. The bird often builds its cup-shaped nests in tree holes, where the female lays and hatches a clutch of four to six eggs for about two weeks. The hatchlings, cared for by both parents, are ready to go on their own in another two weeks.


A female rufous-tailed robin is seen on the ground in Wutong Mountain. 

Not a long-distance migratory bird, some populations however may undertake altitudinal movements, moving to different elevations within their range.


This bird plays a vital role in the forest ecosystem. Preying on insects and invertebrates helps control pests’ populations, contributing to the overall health of the forest. Additionally, their consuming fruits and excreting undigested seeds elsewhere aids seed dispersal, thus promoting plant diversity and forest regeneration.


A female rufous-tailed robin is seen on the ground in Wutong Mountain. 

By protecting their habitats, we can ensure this remarkable bird’s continued presence in our city, which helps preserve thebalancewithin the forest ecosystem.
