
The black-collared starling

Writer: Isaac Cohen  |  Editor: Zhang Chanwen  |  From: Shenzhen Daily

A black-collared starling is seen with a worm in its beak at OCT Wetland Park, Nanshan District. Photos by Isaac Cohen

The black-collared starling

The black-collared starling (Gracupica nigricollis) is a compact bird measuring around 20 centimeters in length. A distinctive black collar encircles its neck, contrasting against a predominantly white plumage, giving the bird its name. Its beak is slender and sharp, ideal for capturing prey. Its eyes are dark and expressive, with a distinctive yellow patch around them, adding to its enchanting appeal.


These active and sociable birds, often found in small or large flocks, are highly vocal, with a repertoire of melodious calls for communication and territorial defense. Theses agile fliers are adept at navigating through trees and bushes to capture their prey midair. They also forage on the ground.


A black-collared starling is seen at OCT Wetland Park, Nanshan District. 

These omnivorous birds primarily feed on worms and insects, such as beetles, grasshoppers and caterpillars, helping to control insect populations and benefiting crops and native plant species. They also consume fruits and nectar, contributing to seed dispersal and promoting vegetation growth, providing support for their habitat’s biodiversity.


A black-collared starling is seen at Honghu Park, Luohu District.

During the breeding season, male birds give elaborate courtship displays and sing melodious or, more often, boisterous songs to attract mates. Once a pair forms a bond, they construct a nest where the female lays a clutch of up to five eggs, which both parents take turns incubating. After hatching, the chicks are cared for by both parents until they fledge and become independent.


A black-collared starling is seen at Shenzhen Bay Park, Nanshan District.

Their vibrant presence and melodious songs provide our city with a pleasant view and an enriched acoustic landscape, benefiting the area’s ecological balance.
