
Upcoming performances: Ballet, musical and more

Writer:   |  Editor: Zhang Chanwen  |  From: Shenzhen Daily  |  Updated: 2023-11-20

Piano competition, HK Phil

The Fifth China Shenzhen International Piano Concerto Competition is being held at Shenzhen Concert Hall through Friday. On Monday night, Irish pianist John O’Conor, one of the judges of the competition, will present a recital of pieces by Haydn, Schubert, Scriabin, Beethoven and Field. After three nights of the competition from Tuesday through Thursday, the closing concert will be held Friday with the Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra to accompany the award winners’ performance. On Saturday, Lio Kuok-man, resident conductor of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra (HK Phil), will lead his orchestra to play pieces by Gershwin, Dvořák and Bernstein.

Competition: 7:30 p.m., Nov. 20 (John O’Conor), 21-23 (competition), 24 (closing concert)

HK Phil: 8 p.m., Nov. 25

Booking: WeChat account “szyyt_piao”

Venue: Shenzhen Concert Hall, Futian District (深圳音乐厅)

Metro: Line 3 or 4 to Children’s Palace Station (少年宫站), Exit D

“Swan Lake”

‘Swan Lake’

The Shanghai Ballet will present its unique “Swan Lake” choreographed by Derek Deane this weekend. This new production puts together the largest group sequence in the performance’s history, featuring an unprecedented corps de ballet with 48 swans fluttering across the stage, whereas traditional ballet performances only have 24.

Time: 8 p.m., Nov. 25; 3:30 p.m., Nov. 26

Booking: WeChat account “GuangmingArtCenter”

Venue: Guangming Culture and Art Center, Guangming District (光明文化艺术中心)

Metro: Line 6 to Fenghuang Town Station (凤凰城站), Exit B


Chinese baritone Wang Yunpeng will sing lieder pieces by Wagner and Verdi. Young pianist Rachel Cheung will accompany him and will also play solo pieces by Liszt.

Time: 8 p.m., Nov. 25

Ticketing: WeChat account “cmskpac”

Venue: Mountain View Theater, inside Sea World Culture and Arts Center, Nanshan District (海上世界文化艺术中心内境山剧场)

Metro: Line 2 or 12 to Sea World Station (海上世界站), Exit A

“Mozart L’Opéra Rock”

‘Mozart L’Opéra Rock’

The Chinese version of the French musical “Mozart L’Opéra Rock” will be staged. The show is a dramatization of the life of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart beginning from the age of 17 and culminating with his death in 1791 at the age of 35.

Time: 8 p.m., Nov. 24-26 (Nov. 25-26 also at 3 p.m.)

Booking: WeChat account “SZpolytheatre”

Venue: Shenzhen Poly Theater, Nanshan District (深圳保利剧院)

Metro: Line 2 or 11 to Houhai Station (后海站), Exit E

Violin recital, chorus

Czech violinist Jan Mracek and pianist Lukas Kansky will play an evening of Mozart, Mendelssohn, Dvořák, Shostakovich and Korngold pieces Friday. Then on Sunday afternoon, the Warsaw Boys’ Choir from Poland will sing soothing songs.

Time: 8 p.m., Nov. 24 (violin recital); 3 p.m., Nov. 26 (chorus)

Booking: WeChat account “深圳滨海艺术中心”

Venue: Bay Opera of Shenzhen, Bao’an District (深圳滨海艺术中心)

Metro: Line 5 to Baohua Station (宝华站), Exit A

Upcoming performances including ballet, musical and more will be presented from Nov. 24 to 26 across Shenzhen.