Johnie Berntsson
Writer: | Editor: Liu Minxia | From: | Updated: 2023-12-08
Johnie Berntsson(约翰尼•伯恩特森)
World Sailing Ranking 世界帆联排名: NO.4
Leaderboard of World Match Racing Tour 世界帆船对抗巡回赛排名: NO.2
Nationality 国籍: Sweden 瑞典
Team 队名: Berntsson Sailing Team
Crew 队员: Filip Karlsson, Emil Wolfgang, Rasmus Alnebäck
Johnie Berntsson (born Aug. 11, 1972) began his sailing career in an Optimist dinghy at the age of 9, but quickly switched to a keelboat at aged 12yrs. Since then, he has raced at the local level to gradually broaden the competition arena, first within Sweden and then within Europe. Johnie made his entrance to match racing in 1997 and competed all over the world winning the European Championship (2009), Congressional Cup (2009) and Scandinavian Championship (2008). He is a three-time champion at the Bermuda Gold Cup (2008, 2014, 2023) and won the Swedish Match Racing Championship in 2022. In 2011, the Swedish Sailing Federation crowned Berntsson and his team “Swedish Sailors of the Year.”
约翰尼· 伯恩特松 9 岁时驾驶 Optimist 小艇,开启了他的航海生涯。但他很快在 12 岁就学会了驾驶龙骨船。从那时起,他就开始参加当地的比赛。他的比赛范围逐渐扩大,先是在瑞典境内,然后再到整个欧洲。1997 年,约翰尼开始参加对抗赛,此后他在对抗赛的排名榜上节节攀升。他曾两度获得爱德华七世国王金杯赛(King Edward VII Gold Cup)冠军,并在瑞典锦标赛、斯堪的纳维亚锦标赛和欧洲锦标赛中夺冠。2012 年 2 月,瑞典帆船联合会授予伯恩特松和他的团队“瑞典年度最佳水手”称号。约翰尼在阿尔戈集团金杯赛(Argo Group Gold Cup)中两度夺得冠军(2008 年、2014 年),也于2018 年获得亚军。2011年的世界帆船对抗巡回赛中,他的总成绩位列第三。