
Meet world's best match racing skippers | ​Chris Poole

Writer:   |  Editor: Liu Minxia  |  From:   |  Updated: 2023-12-13

Editor’s note:

The 2023 World Match Racing Tour (WMRT) Shenzhen•Bao'an Final and World Bay Area Regatta is in full swing. Twelve of the world’s best match racing skippers from nine countries are competing in the final through Sunday. The winner of the event will be crowned 2023 Match Racing World Champion and take home a share of the US$200,000 purse. Between intense training and matches, the skippers are giving us interviews, talking about their training, their goals and their observations during their visit to Shenzhen.



Video by Liu Xudong

Chris Poole (克里斯•普尔)

World Sailing Ranking 世界帆联排名: NO.1

Leaderboard of World Match Racing Tour 世界帆船对抗巡回赛排名: NO.1

Nationality 国籍: the United States 美国

Team 队名: Riptide Racing

Crew 队员: Joachim Aschenbrenner, Tomas Dietrich, Bernardo Freitas

Chris Poole (born March 12, 1989), from Westport, CT, started sailing at the age of 10 in an Optimist out of Portland Yacht Club in Falmouth, Maine. Today, he ranks at the top of the match racing leader board. 

Having grown up on small boats along the coast of Maine, Chris diversified his skills at the Maine Maritime Academy where he started honing his match racing skills. In the summer of 2011, he interned at the Chicago Match Race Center and finished second in his first ever match race. Chris accelerated his climb to the top of the international match race rankings over the past years, training in Oyster Bay, NY and traveling the world, competing against the best in the sport.

In 2022, Chris finished 3rd at the Congressional Cup, won the Thompson Cup and Chicago Grand Slam and in doing so secured the overall win of the United States Grand Slam Series. He finished 2nd at the World Match Racing Championship and US Sailing Match Racing Championship. In 2023, Chris and the Riptide Racing Team won the 57th Congressional Cup undefeated with a total 24 race wins. The team went on to finish second at the GKSS Match Cup Sweden in Marstrand. The team won the 2023 United States Grand Slam Series for the second year in a row after securing victories at both the Thompson Cup and Oakcliff International. Chris also secured gold at the 2023 U.S. Match Race National Championships.

克里斯·普尔(Chris Poole, 1989年3月12日出生),来自康涅狄格州的韦斯特波特。10岁时,他就在缅因州法尔茅斯市的波特兰游艇俱乐部的一艘OP级游艇上开始了自己的帆船运动生涯。如今,他在对抗巡回赛的排行榜上独占鳌头。

克里斯在缅因州海岸的小船上长大成人,并在缅因州海事学院(Maine Maritime Academy)学习各种技能,也正是在这里,他开始磨练自己的比赛技巧。2011年夏天,他在芝加哥对抗赛的赛事中心实习,并在他的第一次比赛中获得了第二名。在过去的几年里,克里斯在纽约奥伊斯特湾训练,周游世界,与最优秀的运动员竞争,在国际对抗赛的排行榜中势如破竹、节节攀升。


The 2023 World Match Racing Tour (WMRT) Shenzhen•Bao'an Final and World Bay Area Regatta is in full swing. Twelve of the world’s best match racing skippers from nine countries are competing in the final through Sunday. The winner of the event will be crowned 2023 Match Racing World Champion and take home a share of the US$200,000 purse. Between intense training and matches, the skippers are giving us interviews, talking about their training, their goals and their observations during their visit to Shenzhen.