
Meet Skipper Afu and his old friends from Keystone saling team

Writer:   |  Editor: Liu Minxia  |  From:   |  Updated: 2023-12-21

Video by Liu Xudong

Sailing is a sport that extends beyond mere competition; it's also about reconnection. Sun Simou, locally known by his nickname "Afu," expressed his excitement while sailing with his old friends from the Taiwan Keystone Sailing Team during the first World Bay Area Regatta. The event took place in the waters near OH Bay in Bao’an District from December 12 to 17.


Sailing is a sport that extends beyond mere competition; it's also about reconnection. Sun Simou, locally known by his nickname "Afu," expressed his excitement while sailing with his old friends from the Taiwan Keystone Sailing Team during the first World Bay Area Regatta. The event took place in the waters near OH Bay in Bao’an District from December 12 to 17.