
SZ global communication ambassadors’ first regatta adventure

Writer:   |  Editor: Liu Minxia  |  From:   |  Updated: 2023-12-22

Video by Liu Xudong

What can a sailboat achieve with a seasoned skipper and several inexperienced crew members? The crew on Boat EyeShenzhen provided an answer.

一位老练、富有经验的船长,几个航海“小白”,能驾驶一艘船走向何方? 问题的答案就在EyeShenzhen号帆船上。

The EyeShenzhen crew sail during the first World Bay Area Regatta in Bao'an District. Photos courtesy of the event organizer


Christian Fardel, the 68-year-old French skipper of the boat, had teamed up with three Shenzhen Global Communication Ambassadors at the first World Bay Area Regatta held in the Qianhai Bay waters in Bao’an District from Dec. 12 to 17. Their rivals came from other bay areas worldwide like San Francisco, Tokyo, New York, and Sydney.

68岁法国船长Christian Fardel与三位深圳全球传播大使组队,登上了EyeShenzhen号,参加了于12月12日至17日在宝安区举行的第一届世界湾区帆船赛,与来自旧金山、东京、纽约和悉尼等全球其他湾区的强大对手一争高下。

On the last day of the regatta, Fardel told Shenzhen Daily he was so proud of the crew that teamed up only about three days before and knew nothing about sailing before the regatta. 


The EyeShenzhen crew sail during the regatta.


“I put them out on a race against the champions in strong winds and we did not fail. That was an amazing achievement,” he said.


As an experienced sailor, Fardel swiftly assigned his crew members to their optimal positions and provided them with hands-on instructions.


With his amateur team members from China, South Korea, Russia, Italy, the U.K., and France, Fardel from the beginning had set his goal just to finish the voyage. 


Boat EyeShenzhen crew members operate the sailboat.


“It seems that many of my crew members have never sailed before, and some do not know the basics of sailing. It will challenge my ability to teach them in three hours how to sail a boat and win a race,” Fardel, who is also a cultural scholar based in Hanghzhou, Zhejiang Province, told Shenzhen Daily at the team's first training.


The boat’s sailing is an event of the “Shenzhen Global Communication Ambassador” program. The program was launched June 10 this year by EyeShenzhen, which provides city information services to users worldwide via channels including a multilingual portal. So far, the program has organized several fascinating events for the communication ambassadors to explore the city, experience local cultures, and share their Shenzhen stories on international social media platforms. The Boat EyeShenzhen sailing is the latest venture for the program participants.

EyeShenzhen号的首航际上是“深圳全球传播大使”计划的系列活动之一。该计划于今年6月10日由EyeShenzhen推出。EyeShenzhen是专注于深圳城市形象推广以及提供国际信息服务的新品牌,其业务范围涵盖运营与其同名的深圳多语种门户网站。今年,“深圳全球传播大使”计划已经组织了多次精彩的活动, 带领传播大使们探索深圳、沉浸式体验本土文化。借助他们的海外社交账号,传播大使们将他们的精彩故事分享给了众多海外订阅者。 

During the five-day regatta, the team that started from scratch gradually bolstered their morale through daily interaction and sailing, fostering a stronger sense of unity as they deepened their understanding of each another.


Christian Fardel (R) gives instructions to EyeShenzhen crew members.

Christian Fardel(右)指导EyeShenzhen号成员。

“What surprised me the most was the level of unity and successful navigation we achieved in such a short period of time,” said Matteo Convertino, an associate professor at the Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School.

清华大学深圳国际研究生院副教授Matteo Convertino表示:“最让我惊讶的是,我们在这么短的时间内实现了如此高的凝聚力和成功的航行。”

“It was a great experience to connect with people from other countries and enjoy Shenzhen from the ocean side, as well as to see how much water surrounds our city indeed,” Convertino added.


For Tafadzwa Kadere, who works as English teacher in Shenzhen, the opportunity to join the crew and compete with other strong teams is incredibly exciting.

对于英语教师Tafadzwa Kadere来说,有机会加入这个船队并与其他强大的团队竞争是非常令人兴奋的。

“The races were very tense and we tried to remember all the new maneuvers. Our minds had to be sharp so we could communicate clearly and adjust quickly when the conditions change. Even during the race we were still learning,” Kadere said.


Boat EyeShenzhen sails in the waters.


As for Shin Moon-sub, a South Korean Ph.D. student from Shenzhen University, sailing while running a high fever is something he has never ever imagined, but he managed to do it.


“I am very honored to be a part of this activity and have the opportunity to learn sailing skills step by step. Fardel, our skipper, is very professional,” Shin told Shenzhen Daily.

“我很荣幸能参加这次比赛,有机会一步一步地学习帆船技术。我们的船长非常专业,” 申文燮告诉英文《深圳日报》。

During the five-day races, Boat EyeShenzhen, as the first sailboat to promote Shenzhen’s urban image and build its city brand, also carried an important mission: to sail the story of Shenzhen overseas and introduce this beautiful city to more people. This message has clearly been sent by its participants.


“Bao’an is a beautiful and modern part of Shenzhen. The event provides the world with an opportunity to catch a glimpse of what Shenzhen has to offer,” said Kadere.


Boat EyeShenzhen made its debut with a seasoned skipper and several inexperienced crew members at the first World Bay Area Regatta held in the Qianhai Bay waters in Bao’an District from Dec. 12 to 17. The sailing of Boat EyeShenzhen is an event of the “Shenzhen Global Communication Ambassador” program. Boat EyeShenzhen, as the first sailboat to promote Shenzhen’s urban image and build its city brand, also carries an important mission: to sail the story of Shenzhen overseas and introduce this beautiful city to more people.