
The black-winged stilt

Writer: Isaac Cohen  |  Editor: Zhang Chanwen  |  From: Original

A black-winged stilt is seen at Shenzhen Bay Park. Photos by Isaac Cohen

The black-winged stilt

The black-winged stilt (Himantopus himantopus) is a medium-sized bird of about 40 centimeters in length. Its long, thin legs allow it to wade effortlessly through shallow waters. Its plumage is mainly white, with black wings on females, and different amounts of black feathers over the head in males. The bird has a long, thin black bill and red legs. The contrast in colors makes this bird highly distinctive and easily recognizable.


They are commonly found in wetland habitats throughout Shenzhen, especially in the Shenzhen Bay area, where it frequents shallow waters to forage for food and to nest.


Its adaptability to both natural and artificial wetlands allows the species to thrive in Shenzhen’s ecosystems.


A black-winged stilt is seen at Shenzhen Bay Park.

This skilled forager primarily feeds on invertebrates such as insects, crustaceans, mollusks and small fish. With its long legs and slender bill, it probes into the water, mud, or vegetation to effortlessly catch its prey.


During the breeding season, typically between spring and summer, pairs build a nest made of vegetation on the ground or floating near the water’s edge. Females lay a clutch of up to five eggs, which both parents incubate. Shortly after hatching, the precocial chicks can walk and feed themselves.


A black-winged stilt is seen at Shenzhen Bay Park.

This migratory species undertakes seasonal journeys in search of suitable breeding and wintering grounds. In Shenzhen, some individuals may stay throughout the year, while others migrate to warmer regions during winter.


The black-winged stilt plays a vital role in our ecosystems. It contributes to the ecological balance by controlling populations of aquatic invertebrates, thereby helping to maintain the health of wetlands; their foraging activities stir up sediments, aiding in the circulation of nutrients and promoting the growth of plants. (Translated by Liu Wenzhe)
