
The Siberian sand plover

Writer: Isaac Cohen  |  Editor: Zhang Chanwen  |  From: Original

A Siberian sand plover is seen among the rocks at Shenzhen Talent Park in Nanshan District. Photos by Isaac Cohen

The Siberian sand plover

The Siberian sand plover (Charadrius mongolus), also known as the lesser sand plover in general, can be found along the shores of Shenzhen. The small-size bird measures only 17 centimeters long, with a wingspan of about 45 centimeters. It has a plump body, short legs, and a straight, short bill. During the breeding season, male adults appear flamboyant with a black face mask, a white forehead, and a broad orange chest band. The rest of the body is of a pale grayish-browncolor. In contrast, females and juveniles are more homely, featuring brownish-gray upperparts and white underbellies.


These birds undertake extensive migratory journeys. They breed in northernAsia, including Mongolia and eastern Siberia. As winter approaches, these birds travel thousands of kilometers, seeking warmer regions like Shenzhen. The city’s mild climate and abundant food supply make it an enticing wintering destination for these creatures.


A Siberian sand plover is seen among the rocks at Shenzhen Talent Park in Nanshan District. 

With their adept short bills, these opportunistic feeders preyon small invertebrates, such as insects, crustaceans, mollusks, and worms, which they diligently uncover from the sand or shallow waters.


Once a pair forms, during the breeding season, they meticulously select a nesting site, typically on the sandy ground or along the shoreline. The female lays a clutch of up to four eggs in colors that readily blend with the surrounding environment. Both parents share the task of incubating the eggs and ensuring their safety. The precocial chicks can move and feed independently shortly after hatching.


A Siberian sand plover is seen among the rocks at Shenzhen Talent Park in Nanshan District.

The Siberian sand plover plays an indispensable role in Shenzhen’s ecosystems. By foraging along the shores, these birds contribute to controlling small invertebrate populations, effectively managing potential pest problems. Furthermore, their feeding behavior actively participates in nutrient cycling within coastal habitats, fostering a balanced ecosystem. They also act as valuable indicators of environmental changes, reflecting the overall health of the habitats they traverse.
