
The large-billed crow

Writer: Isaac Cohen  |  Editor: Zhang Zeling  |  From: Original

A large-billed crow is seen among the rocks at Shenzhen Bay Park in Nanshan District. Photos by Isaac Cohen

The large-billed

The large-billed crow (Corvus macrorhynchos), with a glossy black plumage, has a robust body and a notably large bill, which sets it apart from other crow species. Measuring 50 centimeters long with a wingspan of around 1 meter, these birds are impressive as they glide through the skies of Shenzhen.


These adaptable birds can thrive in various habitats, including forests, woodlands, and urban areas, including parks and gardens near human settlements. This adaptability allows them to find different food sources and suitable nesting sites.

A large-billed crow is catching fish at Shenzhen Bay Park in Nanshan District. 

A resident species, it establishes territories within its preferred habitats and remains there throughout the year, taking advantage of Shenzhen's favorable climate.


Large-billed crows have an omnivorous diet, consuming a wide range of food, but they are primarily scavengers. These opportunistic feeders scavenge for plant matter and small animals. Their diet includes fruits, seeds, grains, insects, small mammals, reptiles, and bird eggs. By consuming such diverse food sources, these crows play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of the local ecosystems.


A large-billed crow is seen among the rocks at Shenzhen Bay Park in Nanshan District. 

Their breeding season generally occurs in spring. During this time, they form monogamous pairs and build nests in tall trees or elevated structures. The female lays a clutch of up to six eggs, which both parents incubate for about three weeks. They also care for the hatchlings together. The chicks grow quickly, and within a few weeks, they become independent and leave the nest.

大嘴乌鸦一般在春季繁殖,恪守一夫一妻制,并在高大的树木或建筑的高架结构上筑巢。雌鸟每窝产卵可达 6 枚,卵由双亲孵化约为3 周,雏鸟破壳。雏鸟成长速度较快,由亲鸟轮流照顾几周后便可离巢。

The large-billed crow (Corvus macrorhynchos), with a glossy black plumage, has a robust body and a notably large bill, which sets it apart from other crow species. Measuring 50 centimeters long with a wingspan of around 1 meter, these birds are impressive as they glide through the skies of Shenzhen.