
The greater necklaced laughingthrush

Writer:   |  Editor: Zhang Chanwen  |  From: 

A greater necklaced laughingthrush is seen perched on a tree branch at Bijia Hill Park, Futian District. Photos by Isaac Cohen

The greater necklaced 

Among Shenzhen’s many avian inhabitants, the greater necklaced laughingthrush (Pterorhinus pectoralis) stands out as an enchanting and vital species.


This medium-sized songbird features a plumage in a delightful combination of warm shades, such as chestnut, olive and gray. Their necks are adorned with a distinctive pattern of black and white feathers, resembling an elegant necklace. With a lively disposition, these birds are known for their melodious calls that ring through the local forests.


These birds are often found in the lower mountain ranges, where dense vegetation and various plant species provide the ideal habitat for nesting and foraging. The bird thrives in the subtropical climate, with mild winters and abundant rainfall.

A greater necklaced laughingthrush is seen perched on a tree branch at Bijia Hill Park, Futian District. 


The greater necklaced laughingthrush is primarily a resident species, meaning they do not undertake long-distance migrations. They establish territories within their preferred habitat and remain year-round. However, some individuals may travel short distances in a seasonal manner in search of food sources or breeding grounds.


These omnivorous birds feed on insects, worms, spiders, and small invertebrates on the forest floor. They also relish the opportunity to feast on various fruits, berries, and seeds when available, contributing to the dispersal of plant seeds throughout their habitat.

A greater necklaced laughingthrush is seen perched on a tree branch at Bijia Hill Park, Futian District. 


Their breeding season typically occurs during the spring and summer months in Shenzhen. Males showcase their vibrant plumage and songs to attract potential mates. Once a pair forms a bond, they collaborate to construct a cup-shaped nest where the female lays a clutch of up to six eggs, and both parents share the responsibilities of incubation and raising the young chicks.
