
White-spined Cascade Frog

Writer: Issac Cohen  |  Editor: Zhang Zeling  |  From: Original

A white-spined cascade frgo is seen on a rock by a stream at Wutong Mountain, Luohu District.


Nestled within the mountainous regions of Shenzhen, a remarkable amphibian species thrives, the White-spined Cascade Frog (Amolops albispinus). This unique and captivating creature has a distinctive appearance. It is a medium-sized frog, measuring around 5 centimeters in length. Its slender body has bumpy brownish skin adorned with beautiful darker markings that aid in camouflage. Its feet are webbed, helping in its fantastic ability to swim, and each finger ends in a rounded disc-shaped structure that allows it to stick to surfaces.


This species’ number is decreasing, and is listed as a vulnerable species. In Shenzhen, it can only be found inspecific mountainous areas like Wutong Mountain, making it a true gem of the local biodiversity. It prefers pristine, clear, and fast-flowing mountain streams as its habitat. These water bodies provide the ideal conditions for the White-spined Cascade Frog’s survival, including cool temperatures, oxygen-rich water, and abundant prey.


The White-spined Cascade Frog is a carnivorous amphibian with a diverse diet. Its menu consists of various invertebrates, such as insects, spiders, and small crustaceans, which it captures using its agile tongue and powerful hind limbs.


A white-spined cascade frgo rests on a rock.

The White-spined Cascade Frog plays a vital role in Shenzhen’s ecosystem. Firstly, as an indicator species, its presence or absence can reflect the health of the surrounding environment. Its sensitivity to changes in water quality and habitat conditions makes it an important indicator of ecosystem integrity.


Additionally, the White-spined Cascade Frog acts as a predator, maintaining the population levels of various invertebrates within its habitat. Regulating the abundance of prey helps preserve the delicate balance of the local food web. This, in turn, contributes to the overall health of the ecosystem and the biodiversity of Shenzhen’s mountainous regions.


The White-spined Cascade Frog’s survival depends on the preservation of its natural habitat — an intricate web of mountain streams, vegetation, and surrounding ecosystems. As Shenzhen continues to develop, it is vital to recognize the importance of preserving these natural areas within the city.


Preserving these natural habitats ensures the White-spined Cascade Frog’s survival and protects the broader ecological balance. By safeguarding the mountainous regions, Shenzhen can maintain its rich biodiversity, enhance the resilience of its ecosystems, and provide a sanctuary for many other plant and animal species. 


​Nestled within the mountainous regions of Shenzhen, a remarkable amphibian species thrives, the White-spined Cascade Frog (Amolops albispinus). This unique and captivating creature has a distinctive appearance. It is a medium-sized frog, measuring around 5 centimeters in length. Its slender body has bumpy brownish skin adorned with beautiful darker markings that aid in camouflage. Its feet are webbed, helping in its fantastic ability to swim, and each finger ends in a rounded disc-shaped structure that allows it to stick to surfaces.