
The Hong Kong warty newt

Writer: Issac Cohen  |  Editor: Zhang Zeling  |  From: Original

A Hong Kong warty newt is reclining on a piece of rock in an unidentified country park in Shenzhen.

Hong Kong warty

The Hong Kong warty newt (Paramesotriton hongkongensis), a fascinating amphibian initially thought to be exclusive to the ecosystems of Hong Kong, is shrouded in an aura of mystique. Measuring 10 to 15 centimeters long, this small creature is clad in an enchanting blend of colors.


Its robust physique, adorned with moist skin, exhibits hues ranging from deep brown to inky black on the upper body. Its underbelly features a fascinating arrangement of vibrant red spots. The distinctive warts on its skin lend the creature its name.


Thriving within the country parks of Shenzhen, the Hong Kong warty newt seeks refuge in streams and lush, humid forests. Its preferred habitat includes crystal-clear waters with dense vegetation, abundant rocky outcrops, and fallen logs that provide food and refuge.


This carnivorous amphibian partakes in a diverse diet, including worms, insect larvae, crustaceans, and diminutive mollusks. Equipped with a sticky tongue and powerful jaws, it skillfully captures its prey, helping to control invertebrate populations within its habitat.


Primarily nocturnal and semi-terrestrial, it seeks refuge beneath damp rocks and fallen logs by day, evading direct sunlight to prevent dehydration. Under the cloak of night, it ventures into the streams to hunt for food.


These newts display fascinating reproductive behaviors. Females deposit their eggs by adhering them to submerged plants. The hatchlings emerge as aquatic larvae, undergoing a progressive metamorphosis before maturing into young newts.


Serving as an indicator species, it reflects the health and vitality of the surrounding habitats. As we uncover the hidden treasures of the city’s wildlife, raising awareness of environmental protection among its citizens becomes essential.


It’s been a pleasant journey with Shenzhen Daily readers. As this column is drawing to a close, I wish that my meager effort has helped enlighten our readers about Shenzhen’s remarkable wildlife species and promote the harmonious coexistence between urban environments and the fragile ecosystems that thrive within them. 


The Hong Kong warty newt (Paramesotriton hongkongensis), a fascinating amphibian initially thought to be exclusive to the ecosystems of Hong Kong, is shrouded in an aura of mystique. Measuring 10 to 15 centimeters long, this small creature is clad in an enchanting blend of colors.