
Futian launches Citizen Shared Exhibition Hall program

Writer: Cao Zhen  |  Editor: Zhang Zeling  |  From: Shenzhen Daily  |  Updated: 2024-05-15

The Futian Public Culture and Sports Development Center inaugurated the Citizen Shared Exhibition Hall program in late February. Under the program, the center’s Theater-themed Hall (福田文体中心•戏剧主题馆), Music-themed Hall (福田文体中心•音乐主题馆), and Intangible Cultural Heritage-themed Hall (福田文体中心•非遗主题馆), as well as the Futian Art Museum (福田美术馆), collaborate with individuals and organizations for the curation and hosting of exhibitions.

Now, 19 diverse exhibitions have been curated, with the first three already open to the public. At the Intangible Cultural Heritage-themed Hall, local primary school students are exhibiting their creative paper artworks; at the Music-themed Hall, elegant and intricate flower-and-bird paintings are on display.

At the Futian Art Museum, contemporary artist Zhou Yiwen is exhibiting his large-scale installations, sculptures, paintings and digital multimedia artworks. As a cultural celebrity signed with Futian District, Zhou has created some pieces inspired by his life experiences in Futian. One striking installation is based on the romantic setting of the Futian District Marriage Registration Office within Honey Park (or Xiangmi Park), acclaimed as the city’s most beautiful marriage registration venue.

The Citizen Shared Exhibition Hall program encourages public engagement with culture transmission and creative expression. Through the program, the city seeks to enrich public aesthetic education, sparking a communal passion for beauty and creativity. This inclusive platform invites active participation, infusing the city with diverse cultural vitality.

Admission to all the three exhibitions is free, with Zhou’s exhibition requiring advance booking via official WeChat accounts (ID: “ftwtzx” or “happyfutian”).

Visitors take photos of Zhou Yiwen’s installation composed of artificial cherries at Futian Art Museum in Futian District. The scene, resembling a shower of red cherries, symbolizes love. Photos by Lin Songtao

Models wearing garments imprinted with ancient Chinese poetry are on display.

Large yarn balls crafted by Zhou Yiwen signify love and connections.

An installation is inspired by the romantic ambiance of the Futian District Marriage Registration Office within Honey Park (or Xiangmi Park).

An installation featuring a cage with doves symbolizes liberated souls in romance.

Artificial cherries on a bed created by Zhou Yiwen reflect the artist’s contemplation of love, gender relations and family.

The Futian Public Culture and Sports Development Center inaugurated the Citizen Shared Exhibition Hall program in late February.