14 dog breeds banned as pets in SZ
From: Shenzhen Daily
Residents of Shenzhen planning to keep a pet dog should note that 14 new dog breeds have recently been included on the city’s list of banned pets.
This update brings the total number of prohibited aggressive dog breeds to 38, with the exception of Bedlington Terriers, which have been removed from the list, as confirmed by the Shenzhen Municipal Administration of Market Regulation.
The decision to ban aggressive dog breeds from being kept as pets stems from concerns for public safety, with the primary goal of decreasing the risks associated with serious and potentially fatal attacks on individuals and other animals, according to the market regulation authority.
The Rottweiler is one of 14 new breeds on the city's banned pets list. File photo
The newly banned dog breeds include Bullmastiff, Dogue de Bordeaux, American bulldog, Rottweiler, Dutch Shepherd dog, Belgian Shepherd dog, Anatolian Shepherd, Czech Wolfdog, Kunming dog, Beauceron Wolfdog, Irish Wolfhound, Saint Bernard dog, Boxer, and Molossarea.
When compiling the list, the authority took into consideration each breed’s temperament, behavior patterns, socialization potential, and overall societal acceptance. Insights from the experiences of other major cities like Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou were also consulted.
Dog aggression is typically defined as dangerous behaviors directed at another dog or people. Aggressive behaviors include barking, biting, lunging and snarling. The causes of these behaviors can range from territorial defensiveness and protectiveness to fear and social anxiety.
However, the problem of tragic mauling and fatalities caused by dogs is not limited to specific breeds. Any dog has the potential to become aggressive if it is not properly trained, socialized and cared for. The market regulation authority calls for responsible ownership and proper treatment of all pet dogs.
Since 2006, dog owners in Shenzhen have been mandated to register their pet dogs in the city’s dog management system. In 2019, the city initiated the microchipping of pet dogs to aid in locating lost or stolen pets and to discourage the irresponsible abandonment of dogs.