Dog regulations in SZ: 38 dog breeds banned
From: Shenzhen Daily
Dog owners and their pets pose for a photo on the fifth Love Your Pet Dog Day at the Jingtian pet park in Futian District in 2023. Shenzhen Special Zone Daily
Shenzhen has expanded its list of dog breeds banned as pets to a total of 38, with 14 new additions announced in the latest version of a government gazette released Wednesday.
The decision to ban the keeping as pets of certain aggressive breeds of dogs is driven by public safety concerns and aims to reduce the incidence of serious and sometimes fatal attacks on both residents and other animals, according to the gazette.
Notably, the Bedlington Terrier is an exception and has been removed from the previous list of banned breeds.
The Shenzhen Municipal Administration of Market Regulation, which was responsible for compiling the list, said that temperament, behavior, socialization potential and general social acceptance of the dog breeds were taken into account. They also drew on the experience of other cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.
Owners of previously registered pets that are on the newly added list should keep their dogs out of the restricted areas, or use the city’s dog rescue centers for their care.
According to Shenzhen's pet management regulations, certain urban areas, including residential, commercial and industrial zones, are off limits to these banned breeds.
While calling for responsible pet ownership and appropriate care for all dogs, the authority highlights the importance of training, care, and socialization in preventing aggression in any dog.
Since 2006, dog owners in Shenzhen have been mandated to register their pet dogs in the city’s dog management system. In 2019, the city introduced microchipping for pet dogs to help track lost or stolen pets and deter irresponsible dog abandonment.
Effective July 5, the 38 dog breeds on the updated list are:
西藏獒犬(Tibetan Mastiff)Photos from WeChat accounts "深圳市场监管“ and"蛇口消息报”
比特斗牛梗犬(Pit Bull Terrier,别名比特犬)
阿根廷杜高犬(Dogo Argentino,别名杜高、阿根廷獒)
巴西菲勒犬(Fila Braziliero,别名巴西獒犬Brazilian Mastiff)
土佐犬(Tosa Inu)
中亚牧羊犬(Central Asian Shepherd Dog)
川东犬(Chuandong Hound,别名重庆犬)
牛头梗犬(Bull Terrier)
卡斯罗犬(Cane Corso)
大丹犬(Great Dane)
高加索犬(Caucasian Owtcharka)
纽波利顿犬(Neopolitan Mastiff,别名意大利獒犬、那不勒斯獒、拿破仑獒犬)
斯塔福梗犬(Staffordshire Terrier)
阿富汗猎犬(Afghan Hound)
寻血猎犬(Blood Hound)
凯丽蓝梗犬(Kerry Blue Terrier)
法国波尔多獒犬(Dogue de Bordeaux)
美国斗牛犬(American Bulldog)
荷兰牧羊犬(Dutch Shepherd Dog)
比利时牧羊犬(Belgian Shepherd Dog)
安纳托利亚牧羊犬(Anatolian Shepherd)
捷克狼犬(Czech Wolfdog)
昆明犬(Kunming Dog,别名中国狼犬)
法国狼犬(Beauceron Wolfdog)
爱尔兰猎狼犬(Irish Wolfhound)
圣伯纳犬(Saint Bernard Dog)