Writer: | Editor: Zhang Chanwen | From: | Updated: 2024-07-22
Cash Payments
入境前 Before entry
境外来华人员可在相关国家或地区,提前兑换人民币现钞后携带入境(出入境每人每次携带的人民币限额为20000元) .
Overseas visitors to China can exchange foreign currencies for CNY cash in advance in relevant countries or regions before entering China. Each visitors permitted to bring up to CNY 20,000 in cash into or out of the country.
入境后 After entry
Overseas visitors can exchange foreign currencies for CNY cash at commercial bank branches, moneychangers, and self-service currency exchange machines at international airports, land ports, sea ports, and other entry ports. They can also withdraw CNY cash using international bank cards at ATMs.
Card Payments
境外银行卡 Overseas bank cards
Overseas bank cards can be used directly by swiping them at merchants with corresponding card organization logos such as Visa and Mastercard.
办理境内银行卡 Applying for a Chinese bank card
Present your foreign passport, Foreign Permanent Resident ID Card, and any other required identification documents at the business office of a commercial bank for processing.
(2) 填写开户申请表办理银行卡
Fill out the bank account opening application form before applying for a bank card.
(3) 妥善保护好自己的银行卡,以免遗失、被他人或不法分子盗用。如丢失,需及时向相应银行挂失。同时,严禁利用自己名下的银行卡实施电信网络诈骗活动,严禁非法买卖、出租、出借银行卡,不得提供实名核验帮助。
Ensure the secure storage of your bank card to prevent loss, theft, or unauthorized usage. Should your card be misplaced, report the incident promptly to the relevant bank. It is important to note that utilizing your bank card for telecommunications or online fraud, engaging in illegal activities such as buying, selling, renting, or lending bank cards, and aiding in real-name verification are strictly prohibited.
Mobile Payments
(1) 下载安装微信或支付宝APP,根据APP指引注册,输入国外或国内手机号等信息
Download and install WeChat or Alipay apps and follow the instructions to input foreign or Chinese mobile phone numbers for registration.
(2)打开APP,绑定带有万事达 (Mastercard)、维萨(Visa)、日本信用卡(JCB)、大来卡(DinersClub)发现卡 (Discover)等标识的国际银行卡;或带有银联 (Union Pay) 标识的国内银行卡、Bind the apps with international bank cards, including the Mastercard, Visa, JCB, Diners Club and Discover, or Chinese bank cards with the UnionPay logo.
Open the apps to scan the merchant's QR code or show your payment QR code when making payments.
Notes for binding international bank cards:
①使用支付宝 (Alipay)、微信(Wechat) 发起连接国际银行卡,需得到国外发卡行的授权同意,部分发卡行由于系统无法识别连接信息,会拒绝绑定的请求,建议联系发卡行客服或改用国内银行卡。
When binding an international bank card to Alipay or WeChat, it is necessary to obtain authorization from the foreign issuing bank. However, some issuing banks may reject the binding request due to their system's inability to recognize the binding information. In such cases, it is advisable to contact the issuing bank's customer service center or consider using a Chinese bank card instead.
②使用支付宝 (Alipay)、微信(Wechat单笔支付消费2000美元以内(含),申请人员仅需提供境外银行卡号、有效期、安全码绑定外卡,无需提供身份信息即可使用。
When using Alipay or WeChat to make a single payment of no more than US$2,000, users only need to provide the number, validity period, and security code of their overseas bank cards to bind the cards for payment.
When using Alipay or WeChat for QR code payments through the bound international bank cards, users are not required to pay an additional service fee if the transaction amount dos not exceed CNY 200; otherwise, users need to pay a service fee at 3% of the transaction amount if it exceeds CNY 200.
④支付宝、微信对绑定国际银行卡的消费限额为每年不超过5万美元,单笔不超过5000美元。建议绑定国际银行卡的用户结合应用场景使用移动支付.Alipay and WeChat have set transaction limits for bound international bank cards, with an annual limit ofUS$50,000 and a single transaction limit of US$5,000.
⑤使用AlipayHK、WeChat Pay HK(中国香港特别行政区)、mPay(中国澳门特别行政区)、Kakao Pay (韩国)、Touch'n Go evallet (马来西亚)、HiPay(蒙古国)、ChangiPay(新加坡)、华侨银行(新加坡)Naver Pay (韩国)、TossPay(韩国)、TrueMoney(泰国)的电子钱包用户,可使用上述钱包在中国内地直接扫码支付。
Users of AlipayHK, WeChat Pay HK, mPay, Kakao Pay, Touch'n Go Wallet, HiPay, Changi Pay, OCBC, NaverPay, Toss Pay, and TrueMoney can make QR code payments through these e-wallets in the Chinese mainland