How to book a sports venue
Writer: | Editor: Zhang Zeling | From: | Updated: 2024-07-24
Video by Xu Shuntian
1. What is the official WeChat account of each district for booking sports venues?
Please find below a list of official WeChat accounts for booking sports venues in different districts in Shenzhen:
Futian 福田区
幸福福田 ("happyfutian")
Luohu 罗湖区
罗湖文体通 ("gh_337ab0bf409e")
Nanshan 南山区
南山文体通 ("NSWTT_")
Bao'an 宝安区
宝安文体通 ("gh_48cbe9c2dbc8")
Longhua 龙华区
龙华文体云 ("WenhuaLonghua")
Longgang 龙岗区
龙岗文体通 ("szlgwtt")
Guangming 光明区
光明文体通 ("gmwentitong")
Yantian 盐田区
盐田体育 ("gh_c68209136745")
2. What types of venues can I book through the above official WeChat accounts?
Through these official WeChat accounts, you can book both free or low-cost public sports venues and commercial sports venues at market price. Some of these accounts also allow you to book a spot in cultural venues such as libraries, museums and art galleries.