
Ancient murrelets spotted in Dapeng

Writer: Chen Siqi  |  Editor: Zhang Zhiqing  |  From: Original  |  Updated: 2024-12-06

Two ancient murrelets were spotted in the Daya Bay area of Dapeng New District recently.

The birds, a newly recorded species for Dapeng, were first observed by a sailor on Nov. 24. “When I sailed out from the dock, I noticed the birds. They looked like ducks paddling over the sea and sometimes diving into the water,” said the sailor. “I haven’t seen seabirds like them before, so I took photos of them.”

Two ancient murrelets in the Daya Bay area of Dapeng New District. Photo from

The birds were later identified by bird expert Huang Qin as ancient murrelets, with the scientific name Synthliboramphus antiquus. 

Ancient murrelets primarily feed in offshore waters over the North Pacific continental shelf and are rarely seen in China. Shenzhen recorded this bird species for the first time in the Beizaijiao area of Yantian District in January and again in the Shenzhen Bay area of Nanshan District in March. The latest sighting in Dapeng marks the third discovery of this species in Shenzhen.

Ancient murrelets are small, heavy-bodied seabirds with small bills and short necks. They have short tails and narrow, pointed wings. Ancient murrelets nest on uninhabited islands during the summer and migrate south to spend the winter.

Two ancient murrelets were spotted in the Daya Bay area of Dapeng New District recently.