Luohu measures to deepen SZ-HK integration

Writer: Wang Jingli  |  Editor: Ye Shangqing  |  From: Shenzhen Daily  |  Updated: 2022-10-25

Luohu District released 45 measures to step up the in-depth Shenzhen-Hong Kong integrated development Thursday.

A 9.5-square-kilometer checkpoint zone will be developed as a core to enhance integrated development, according to the 2022-2035 implementation plan the district government released Thursday.

The 45 measures are involved in six aspects, including infrastructure connectivity, talent communication, and industrial development and public services integration.

The Luohu Checkpoint renovation project is the implementation plan’s first project. The checkpoint will be improved in terms of its environment, facilities and customs clearance mode.

In addition, Luohu will promote the transfer of fresh produce freight functions at Wenjindu Checkpoint, accelerate the area’s upgrade and transformation, and create an area for cross-border operations for professional service industries.

In terms of talent services, Luohu aims to attract high-level talent by building the Shenzhen-Hong Kong youth maker center and continuing to improve service center operations like the Deloitte Greater Bay Area innovation and entrepreneurship center.

In the meantime, Luohu will add more public housing and offer rent subsidies to Hong Kong people working in the district. By 2023, Luohu will issue related measures on forming a talent service system featuring talent policies, service counters and exchange activities to attract more talents to the district.

The district will enhance exchanges between Shenzhen and Hong Kong in various aspects such as cross-border consumption, finance and commerce, and culture and tourism. It will also build a Shenzhen-Hong Kong international consumption demonstration area to help keep the momentum going for international consumption in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

The report states that more measures will be formulated in other fields including education, health care, administrative services and senior care.