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【Catch Phrase】空降兵(kōng jiàng bīng)

Writer:   | Editor: 杨梅  | From:  | Updated: 2016-10-28


Literally translated as an “airborne soldier,” this term refers to a new manager or official brought in from outside a company or government department. For the employees who have been working with an institution for a while, this new boss may leave them with the impression of “being dropped from the sky.”


A: 老王退休以后,小马当上你们经理了吗?

Lǎowáng tuìxīu yǐhòu, xiǎomǎ dāngshàng nǐmen jīnglǐ le ma?

Has Xiaoma been promoted to be the manager after Laowang retired?

B: 没有啊。公司总部从北京调了一个销售部经理来当我们分公司的经理。

Méiyǒu a。Gōngsī zǒngbù cóng běijīng diào le yīgè xiāoshòubù jīnglǐ lái dāng wǒmen fēn gōngsī de jīnglǐ。

Not really. The corporation headquarters sent some guy who was a sales department manager from Beijing to run our branch.

A: 原来来了个空降兵,小马一定很失望。

Yuanlai lai le ge kōngjiàngbīng, xiǎomǎ yīdìng hěn shīwàng。

So an “airborne soldier” was sent to fit in the position. Xiaoma must be rather disappointed.

(Edited by Stephanie Yang)