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【Catch Phrase】正确打开方式(zhèngquè dǎkāi fāngshì)

Writer:   | Editor: 杨梅  | From:  | Updated: 2016-11-02


Literally translated as “the correct way to open (a certain file),” this term is now used in a more general sense, referring to the good and trendy way to do something.


A: 今天小明怎么没来上班?

Jīntiān xiǎomíng zěnme méi lái shàngbān?

Why isn’t Xiaoming in the office today?

B: 他休假了。听说和女朋友去日本冲绳了。

Tā xīujià le。Tīngshuō hé nǚpéngyǒu qù rìběn chōngshéng le。

He is on vacation. I heard he has left for Okinawa in Japan with his girlfriend.

A: 真会享受,去海边吹凉风了。

Zhēn huì xiǎngshòu, qù hǎibiān chuī liángfēng le。

He knows how to live a life, enjoying the cool seaside breeze.

B: 是啊,人家这才是夏天的正确打开方式啊。

Shì a, rénjiā zhè cáishì xiàtiān de zhèngquè dǎkāi fāngshì。

Yeah. That’s a real cool and nice way to spend summer.

(Edited by Stephanie Yang)