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【Catch Phrase】甜到齁(tián dào hōu)

Writer:   | Editor: 杨梅  | From:  | Updated: 2016-12-20


“甜” means “sweet,” and “齁” refers to the irritation one feels in their throat after eating something too sweet or too salty. Therefore, this term means “too sweet.” Chinese netizens often use this term to describe too much PDA (public display of affection) by couples.


A: 昨天我在公园看见小丽和她男朋友了。

Zuótiān wǒ zài gōngyuán kànjiàn xiǎolì hé tā nánpéngyǒu le。

I saw Xiaoli and her boyfriend in the park yesterday.

B: 帅不帅?

Shuài bù shuài?

Was he handsome?

A: 小鲜肉一枚。一路牵手搂腰,甜到齁。

Xiǎoxiānròu yīméi。Yīlù qiānshǒu lǒuyāo, tiándàohōu。

Young and cute. They held hands and cuddled, holding each other’s waist, a lot of PDA along the way.

(Edited by Stephanie Yang)