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【Catch Phrase】扔男友(rēng nán yǒu)

Writer:   | Editor: 杨梅  | From:  | Updated: 2016-12-22


“扔” means to “throw” or “drop,” and “男友” means “boyfriend.” Contrary to its literal meaning, this term coined by Chinese netizens is a common tactic used when a girl wants to say “no” to a suitor. That is, she can just randomly mention her boyfriend in conversation so that the suitor gets the hint that she is in a relationship and does not want to get involved with someone else. Similary, a man can “drop his girlfriend” in conversation to deter another woman interested in him.


A: 我有个同乡,之前帮了我不少忙,上周向我表白了。我发愁怎么给他发好人卡。

Wǒ yǒu gè tóngxiāng, zhīqián bāng le wǒ bùshǎo máng, shàngzhōu xiàng wǒ biǎobái le。Wǒ fāchóu zěnme gěi tā fā hǎorénkǎ。

This guy from my hometown has helped me a lot. Then he suddenly told me he has a crush on me last week. I am puzzled as to how to turn him down without hurting him.

B: 最有效的策略就是扔男友。

Zuì yǒuxiào de cèlüè jìushì rēngnányǒu。

The best strategy is to mention you are already in a relationship.

(Edited by Stephanie Yang)