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Dongmen Moi Department Store offers Christmas sale

Writer:   | Editor: 杨梅  | From: 



Dongmen Moi Department Store offers Christmas sale




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The 2016 Christmas is just two days away, are you worried about missing the big Christmas discounts? Don’t worry, just come to Dongmen Moi Department Store and you can get everything you want at a lower price.

The 2016 Christmas is just two days away, are you worried about missing the big Christmas discounts? Don’t worry, just come to Dongmen Moi Department Store and you can get everything you want at a lower price. This wave of discounts will run through Jan. 3, 2017.

From shoes to lingerie, men’s suits to sportswear, you can get them all at discounts as low as 50%.

Plus, the points you've accumulated at the store are much more valuable than before. 100 points used to equal two yuan before, but now it equals 4 yuan, what a bonus! Each membership card is limited to converting 5,000 points into cash coupons. What does this mean? It means if you use these points to buy a pair of already discounted shoes, like Converses, you can get them for 50% off.

Don’t wait, seize your chance now!

