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【Catch Phrase】撞库(zhuàng kù)

Writer:   | Editor: 杨梅  | From:  | Updated: 2017-01-03


Literally this term means to “hit the database.” Used by hackers to defeat a cipher, usually in the form of a username and password at websites, this is a hacking technique that involves trying hundreds — sometimes millions — of likely possibilities. Very similar to a “dictionary attack,” it is based on trying all the strings in a pre-arranged listing, often acquired from a database of previously leaked information, for instance, email usernames and passwords hacked from servers. Many netizens use the same usernames and passwords for different websites and apps, making it convenient for hackers to use this technique to crack their passwords.


A: 听说火车票网上订票系统发生大量用户数据泄露事件。

Tīngshuō huǒchēpiào wǎngshàng dìngpiào xìtǒng fāshēng dàliàng yònghù shùjù xièlòu shìjiàn。

I’ve heard that a lot of user information has been leaked from the train ticket online booking system.

B: 很可能是黑客撞库获得的数据。

Hěn kěnéng shì hēikè zhuàngkù huòdé de shùjù。

It’s most possible that hackers acquired the information by means of a dictionary attack, based on previously leaked information.

(Edited by Stephanie Yang)