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【Catch Phrase】一言不合就(yīyán bùhé jìu)

Writer:   | Editor: 杨梅  | From:  | Updated: 2017-01-09


Literally this phrase means “as soon as a dispute arises,” used in circumstances when people throw a tantrum or maneuver against their opponents immediately after a spat. The catch phrase of 2016 was first used when some audiences were displeased with the organizers of World Cyber Arena, a Chinese computer games tournament, and caused the WCA tieba (a forum on baidu) to be banned. Later it has been used to refer to things that happened unexpectedly.


A: 不是说不要给小明买糖果吃吗?

Bùshì shuō bùyào gěi xiǎomíng mǎi tángguǒ chī ma?

Haven’t I told you not to buy Xiao Ming candies?

B: 我本来不想给他买,可是到了超市,这小家伙一言不合就卖萌,小可怜的样子让我不买都不好意思了。

Wǒ běnlái bù xiǎng gěi tā mǎi, kěshì dào le chāoshì, zhè xiǎojiāhuǒ yīyán bùhé jìu màiméng, xiǎokělián de yàngzi ràng wǒ bù mǎi dōu bùhǎoyìsī le。

I didn’t want to. But once in the supermarket, the kid gave me that sad look on his cute little face, and I just didn’t have the heart not to buy him any candies.

(Edited by Stephanie Yang)