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【Catch Phrase】城管(chéng guǎn)

Writer:   | Editor: 杨梅  | From:  | Updated: 2017-01-12


“城” means “city,” and “管” means to “manage.” This colloquial term refers to urban management staff who are supposed to keep unlicensed vendors off the street, among other tasks. Some have been equipped with gadgets like anti-puncture vests and steel helmets to guard against possible violent clashes with vendors. There have also been reports of deadly clashes between chengguan and vendors leading to injuries or even deaths on both sides. Most of the time, the public choose to have sympathy for the vendors.


A: 我的运动鞋坏了,你有空帮我拿去市场修一修吧。

Wǒ de yùndòng xié huài le, nǐ yǒukòng bāng wǒ ná qù shìchǎng xīuyīxīu ba。

My sneakers are broken. Please bring them to the market for a fix when you have time.

B: 最近城管去的勤,修鞋的小哥很久没出现了。

Zuìjìn chéngguǎn qù de qín, xīuxié de xiǎogē hěnjǐu méi chūxiàn le。

With chengguan on frequent inspections to the market lately, the guy who repairs shoes hasn’t shown up for a while.

(Edited by Stephanie Yang)