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【Catch Phrase】滚滚(gǔn gǔn)

Writer:   | Editor: 杨梅  | From:  | Updated: 2017-01-16


“滚” is a verb meaning to “roll.” Chinese netizens have coined this term to refer to pandas, perhaps because pandas are “圆滚滚” (literally, round and chubby).


A: 福州动物园里有一只滚滚已经三十七岁了。

Fúzhōu dòngwùyuán lǐ yǒu yīzhī gǔngǔn yǐjīng sānshíqī suì le。

A panda in a Fuzhou zoo is already 37 years old.

B: 你说的是巴斯吧,她是当年北京亚运会吉祥物盼盼的原型。这只滚滚是四岁的时候被四川一位农妇从河里救出来的。

Nǐ shuō de shì bāsī ba, tā shì dāngnián běijīng yàyùnhuì jíxiángwù pànpàn de yuánxíng。Zhèzhī gǔngǔn shì sì suì de shíhòu bèi sìchuān yīwèi nóngfù cóng hé lǐ jìu chūlái de。

It must be Basi you are talking about. She was the prototype for Pan Pan, the mascot of the Beijing Asian Games. The panda was rescued from a river in Sichuan by a local farm woman when she was 4.

(Edited by Stephanie Yang)