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【Catch Phrase】恃靓行凶(Shìliàng xíngxiōng)

Writer:   | Editor: 杨梅  | From:  | Updated: 2017-02-20


“恃”means “rely on,” “靓”means “good looks,”“行凶”means “commit acts of violence.” This four-character term can be translated as “relying on one’s good looks to be arrogant and aggressive.” It can refer to making good use of one’s special advantages to achieve difficult tasks or goals.


A: 小李的女朋友怎么总是当众对他发火,令他难堪呢?

Xiǎolǐ de nǚpéngyou zěnme zǒngshì dāngzhòng duì tā fāhuǒ、lìng tā nánkān ne?

Why does Xiaoli’s girlfriend always get angry with him in front of others, making him feel very embarrassed?

B: 恃靓行凶呗。

Shìliàng xíngxiōng bei。

She was using her good looks as a weapon.

A: 相貌固然是一个考量因素,但人品似乎更重要啊。

Xiàngmào gùrán shì yīge kǎoliang yīnsù, dàn rénpǐn sìhū gèng zhòngyào a。

Good looks can be a factor to consider, but moral strength seems to be more important.

(Edited by Stephanie Yang)