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【Catch Phrase】第三卫生间(dìsān wèishēngjiān)

Writer:   | Editor: 杨梅  | From:  | Updated: 2017-02-23


“第三” means “third” and “卫生间” means “bathroom.” Traditionally, there are two kinds of toilets or restrooms for people, one for male and one for female. In order to provide people-oriented service for parents with young children of different genders and children with elderly parents of different genders, a third kind of bathroom is installed that can be translated as “gender-neutral bathroom” in scenic spots and public areas.


A: 最近的新闻报道说,国家旅游局正敦促国内旅游景区配备第三卫生间。

Zuìjìn de xīnwén bàodào shuō, guójiā lǚyóujú zhèng dūncù guónèi lǚyóu jǐngqū pèibèi dìsān wèishēngjiān。

Recent reports said that the China National Tourism Administration is urging the country’s scenic spots to install gender-neutral bathrooms.

B: 我也看过这些报道。对游客而言,这可真是好消息。

Wǒ yě kànguò zhèxiē bàodào。Duì yóukè éryán, zhè kě zhēnshì hǎo xiāoxī。

I also read those reports. For visitors, this is really great news.

(Edited by Stephanie Yang)