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【Catch Phrase】励瘦(lì shòu)

Writer:   | Editor: Stephanie Yang  | From:  | Updated: 2017-03-02


“励” means “inspiration,” and “瘦” means “thin.” Thinspiration, with images or video montages featuring very slim women, often celebrities, is potentially harmful to those who suffer from eating disorders. Instagram banned #thinspiration and #thinspo posts in April 2012 but permitted them again in October of the following year before seeming to reinstate the ban in 2014.


A: 这个夏天我想要一座桥。

Zhè gè xiàtiān wǒ xiǎng yào yīzuò qiáo。

I want a bridge this summer.

B: 什么桥?

Shénme qiáo?

What bridge?

A: 穿上比基尼平躺,如果足够苗条,那么泳裤就绷紧成一条线,悬空在小腹上方,这就是比基尼桥。

Chuān shàng bǐjīní píngtǎng, rúguǒ zúgòu miáotiáo, nàme yǒngkù jìu bēngjǐn chéng yītiáo xiàn, xuánkōng zài xiǎofù shàngfāng, zhè jìushì bǐjīní qiáo。

If you are slim enough, your bikini bottom will be stretched across protruding hip bones in a lying position, leaving a gap from your abdomen. This is the bikini bridge.

B: 这样励瘦也太不健康了吧。

Zhèyàng lìshòu yě tài bù jiànkāng le ba。

This thinspiration idea is so unhealthy.

(First editor: Debra Li)