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【Catch Phrase】扎心(Zhāxīn)

Writer:   | Editor: Stephanie Yang  | From:  | Updated: 2017-03-07


“扎” means to “prick,” and “心” means “heart.” This term exists in both Wuhan (capital of Hubei Province in Central China) and northeastern Chinese dialects, with different meanings. In the former, it means “disgusting, nauseating,” while in the latter it means “hurtful” or “exactly to the point.” Frequently used by Chinese netizens now, the term means “upsetting” or “evoking strong feelings” when an unfavorable fact is pointed out.


A: 昨天我表妹的婚礼,我刚上大学的弟弟都带了个女朋友参加。

Zuótiān wǒ biǎomèi de hūnlǐ, wǒ gāng shàng dàxué de dìdì dōu dài le gè nǚpéngyou cānjiā。

My younger brother who just went to college took his girlfriend to my cousin’s wedding yesterday.

B: 你什么时候也带个男朋友给他们看看?

Nǐ shénme shíhòu yě dài gè nánpéngyou gěi tāmen kànkàn?

When will you introduce your boyfriend to everybody?

A: 扎心了,老铁。

Zhāxīn le, lǎotiě。

That’s my heartache, buddy.

(First editor: Debra Li)