EYESHENZHEN  /  Chinese language  /  

【Catch Phrase】摸头杀(mōtóushā)

Writer:   | Editor: Stephanie Yang  | From:  | Updated: 2017-03-14


“摸头” means “rubbing another person’s head,” and “杀” means to “kill.” Coined by Chinese netizens, this term describes a move often seen in TV shows where a man comforts a woman by rubbing her head or simply touching her hair gently and then the woman falls for the man. Such scenes appeared in popular Korean and Japanese TV series like “Hanzawa Naoki.” The term is also used in a more general sense when couples are involved in public displays of affection and touch each other on the head.


A: 你弟弟是不是交了女朋友?

Nǐ dìdì shìbùshì jiāo le nǚpéngyǒu?

Is your younger brother seeing someone?

B: 不知道啊。

Bù zhīdāo a。

I have no idea.

A: 昨天我在地铁站看见他和一个女生上演摸头杀。

Zuótiān wǒ zài dìtiě zhàn kànjiàn tā hé yīgè nǚshēng shàngyǎn mōtóushā。

Yesterday I saw him caressing a girl and rubbing her head at the Metro station.

(First editor: Debra Li)