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【Catch Phrase】粉红噪音(fěnhóng zàoyīn)

Writer:   | Editor: Stephanie Yang  | From:  | Updated: 2017-03-21


Literally translated from English, "pink noise" has a frequency such that its power spectral density is inversely proportional to its frequency. On the sound frequency spectrum, pink falls between white and red noise, also known as Brownian noise. To a person's ears, pink noise is often flat, sounding like the buzz on an empty television station or the sound of ocean waves. In recent years, pink noise has become popular in business settings — the noise can mask low-frequency background sound, potentially helping to increase productivity and concentration among employees. It can also help older adults get deeper sleep and stronger memories.


A: 你好像气色不好,是身体不舒服吗?

Nǐ hǎoxiàng qìsè bù hǎo, shì shēntǐ bù shūfú ma?

You don't look well. Is there something wrong?

B: 我最近很忙,睡眠不好。

Wǒ zuìjìn hěn máng, shuìmián bù hǎo。

I've been busy and cannot sleep well.

A: 试试睡觉时听一听粉红噪音,或许有帮助。

Shìshì shuìjiào shí tīngyītīng fěnhóng zàoyīn, huòxǔ yǒu bāngzhù。

Trying listening to some pink noise when you go to bed, which may help you sleep better.

(First editor: Debra Li)