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【Catch Phrase】晒娃(shàiwá)

Writer:   | Editor: 杨梅  | From:  | Updated: 2017-03-21


“晒” means to “expose,” and “娃” means children. The corresponding English word sharenting is a term used to describe the overuse of social media by parents to share content based on their children. The Wall Street Journal created the term, where they called it “oversharenting,” a combination of “over-sharing” and “parenting.” The practice stems from the connected nature of social media early-adopters, who are comfortable sharing their lives online. When they had children, they began to share large numbers of their children’s pictures online.


A: 小林的儿子真可爱。

Xiǎolín de érzi zhēn kě’ài。

Xiao Lin’s son is really cute.

B: 你见过那个小家伙吗?

Nǐ jiànguò nàgè xiǎo jiāhuǒ ma?

Have you met the kid in person?

A: 没有,不过他总是在朋友圈晒娃。

Méiyǒu, bùguò tā zǒngshì zài péngyǒuquān shàiwá。

No. But he likes sharenting a lot on WeChat Moments.

(First editor: Debra Li)