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【Catch Phrase】铃声幻听症(língshēng huàntīng zhèng)

Writer:   | Editor: Stephanie Yang  | From:  | Updated: 2017-03-23


“铃声” means “ring,” “幻听” means “illusion of hearing something,” and “症” is an “illness.” This term corresponds to the English word “ringxiety,” coined by cramming together “ring” and “anxiety.” If you find yourself reaching to answer your phone only to find that it had never rang you could be suffering from “ringxiety.” Psychologists believe that people who are insecure about their friendships or crave company may start to hear phantom ringtones, notifications or the vibration of non-existent messages. It is the latest disorder to affect a generation addicted to technology who crave constant contact and affirmation.


A: 我常常听见口袋里的手机响,但其实没人打我电话。

Wǒ chángcháng tīngjiàn kǒudài lǐ de shǒujī xiǎng, dàn qíshí méi rén dǎ wǒ diànhuà。

I often hear my phone going off in my pocket when there is actually no one calling me.

B: 你可能有铃声幻听症。

Nǐ kěnéng yǒu língshēng huàntīng zhèng。

You might have ringxiety.

(First editor: Debra Li)