EYESHENZHEN  /  Chinese language  /  

Catch Phrase| 大二病(dàèrbìng)

Writer:   | Editor: Stephanie Yang  | From:  | Updated: 2017-04-06


"大二" means "sophomore year," and "病" here refers to a "syndrome." Often known as a "sophomore slump" in the United States and "second year blues" in the United Kingdom, this term in the Chinese language specifically describes the feeling of university students in their second year -- a period of developmental confusion. Students may face difficulties in academic, social, and personal development. They feel sad, depressed and, worst of all, bored. After the novelties of college social life have worn off, nothing seems quite as special. The English term "sophomore slump" also refers generally to an instance in which a second effort fails to live up to the standards of the first effort, as in the performance of athletes (second season of play), singers/bands (second album), TV shows (second seasons) and films (sequels/prequels).


A: 听说你弟弟好几门功课都挂科了?

Tīngshuō nǐ dìdì hǎo jǐ mén gōngkè dōu guàkē le?

I've heard that your younger brother failed to pass a few subjects in school.

B: 他是典型的大二病,不好好学习,天天打游戏,都不知道怎么教育他。

Tā shì diǎnxíng de dàèrbìng, bù hǎohǎo xuéxí, tiāntiān dǎ yóuxì, dōu bù zhīdào zěnme jiàoyù tā。

He is in a typical sophomore slump. He doesn't put efforts into school work and spends a lot of time playing games every day. I don't know how to talk some senses into him.

(First editor: Debra Li)