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A Ritual exhibition at 33 Space| Until May 12

Writer:   | Editor: Nan Nan  | From: 


Until May 12


A Ritual exhibition at 33 Space| Until May 12




Line 1 or 2, Window of the World Station (世界之窗站), Exit I

Please Note

Open: 10:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.


Contemporary art exhibition “A Ritual” is being held at 33 Space near the Window of the World theme park.



Participating artists come from many different countries and regions. They are performance and holographic artist Red Pig Flower from Berlin, contemporary ritual dancer Kim Guen-young from South Korea, contemporary dancer Wayson Poon from Hong Kong, sculpture artist May Yeung from Hong Kong, holistic painting artist Nora Ma from the Chinese mainland, crystal grid artwork artist Phoebe Ma from Macao, live projection and laser installation artist Terry Wu from Hong Kong, and art director, spiritual music and cosmic soundscape artist Paul Yip from Hong Kong.


John Fung - Selection from “Moment by Moment” series


Ancient drawings and rituals from civilizations all around the world are the origin of all art forms. This project combining multimedia exhibitions and performing arts is about creating neo-rituals, which could be ways or paths to approach the world. The curators and exhibitors hope to create dialogues, discussions, experiments and possibilities for new art.


Red Pig Flower - “Dance of Infinity”


