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Catch Phrase| 暴击(bàojī)

Writer:   | Editor: Stephanie Yang  | From:  | Updated: 2017-05-18


“暴” means “violent,” and “击” means “attack.” A phrase originating in battle-themed games like World of Warcraft, it refers to one attack that can injure the enemy much more severely than an average attack. Used in other contexts, this phrase retains its literal meaning.


A: 昨天美元指数遭暴击,原因是什么?

Zuótiān měiyuán zhǐshù zāo bàojī, yuányīn shì shénme?

The dollar index suffered an onslaught against major currencies yesterday. Why?

B: 因为最新数据表明美国制造业逊于预期,美联储六月加息的概率下降。

Yīnwèi zuìxīn shùjù biǎomíng měiguó zhìzàoyè xùn yú yùqī, méiliánchǔ lìuyuè jiāxī de gàilǜ xiàjiàng。

Because the latest statistics show that the manufacturing sectors in the United States performed worse than expected and the Fed is less likely to hike interest rates in June.

(First editor: Debra Li)