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Catch Phrase| 斑比跪(bānbǐguì)

Writer:   | Editor: Stephanie Yang  | From:  | Updated: 2017-06-06


“斑比” refers to “Bambi,” the cartoon deer from the classic Disney children’s film, and “跪” is a kneeling posture. Mimicking Bambi’s posture by kneeling with splayed legs, a few women posed in their bathing suits on Instagram in an attempt to fish for compliments. And all of a sudden, everyone is doing the “Bambi pose” for selfies and it’s already a trend going viral on social media. This childlike posture draws focus to the butt because the women aren’t seated as they normally would be on the floor. According to Glamour, “there are only three acceptable locations for Bambi pose — the pool, the beach or a grassy meadow.”


A: 为什么最近我在朋友圈看到的自拍照都是这样的姿势?

Wèishénme zuìjìn wǒ zài péngyǒuquān kàndào de zìpāi zhào dōushì zhèyàng de zīshì?

Why are girls doing this pose in all of their selfies on WeChat lately?

B: 因为这个姿势最流行啊,叫斑比跪。

Yīnwèi zhè gè zīshì zuì líuxíng a, jiào bānbǐguì。

Because that pose is going viral. It’s called the “Bambi pose.”

(First editor: Debra Li)