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Catch Phrase| 网红店(wǎnghóng diàn)

Writer:   | Editor: Stephanie Yang  | From:  | Updated: 2017-06-19


“网红” means “Internet celebrity,” and “店” refers to a “shop.” Similar to Internet celebrities, these kinds of stores often have become popular overnight, their quick fame contributed by fans who post photos and contents about them on social media. One example is the drink chain HEYTEA, which often has people queuing in long lines outside its stores.


A: 为什么网红店这么大魅力?比如说喜茶。

Wèishénme wǎnghóng diàn zhème dà mèilì?

Bǐrú shuō xǐchá。

Why are Internet celebrity shops so popular? Like HEYTEA for example.

B: 年轻人喜欢跟风,当喝茶变成时髦,大家都在发朋友圈,这家店自然就火了。

Niánqīngrén xǐhuan gēnfēng, dāng hēchá biànchéng shímáo, dàjiā dōu zài fā péngyǒuquān, zhè jiā diàn zìrán jìu huǒ le。

Young people like to follow trends. When drinking their tea becomes a fad and everyone is posting photos of themselves doing it on WeChat, the shop naturally becomes a hit.

A: 听说他们刚开了新店会雇人排队。

Tīngshuō tāmen gāng kāi le xīndiàn huì gù rén páiduì。

I heard they would hire people to stand in the queue when they opened new stores.

B: 也许会吧。

Yěxǔ huì ba。

Perhaps they do.

(First editor: Debra Li)