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Creative Square blossoms into Leather art

Writer:   | Editor: Stephanie Yang  | From: 



Creative Square blossoms into Leather art




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Dream makers gather in Creative Square to pursue fashion design and present art with pure ardour.


Dream makers gather in Creative Square to pursue fashion design and present art with pure ardour.

The founder of Creative Square and designer Rui Gao, started manufacturing genuine leather with his father from the beginning, and later operated a leather trade company with his wife. They imported high quality cow leather from Italy and Spain, and has been working on leather and fur materials for about 20 years. Rui found that genuine leather and fur could not only decorate people’s life but also bring natural, lively and artistic feelings.


Luxury goods are too expensive; Wholesale goods have a serious homogeneous phenomenon; Low-end products can be cheap but people get depressed by the poor quality. Creative Square insists original design and the team creates high quality but affordable luxury goods, so as to achieve and maintain an enjoyable lifestyle. Creative Square also starts a project “Material To Customer”. They develop raw materials, use leather as a carrier to realize the value of commodity, and meanwhile deliver more positive enjoyment to all customers.


What are the goods by Creative Square born with is not price but the value. All products here voice the sense of high quality through original design, luxury workmanship and choice of raw materials.

You can contact us via wzmbgr@126.com. Cellphone: +86-15957771999

Welcome to Creative Square to explore the beauty of leather art.
