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Catch Phrase| 小姐姐(Xiǎojiějiě)

Writer:   | Editor: Stephanie Yang  | From:  | Updated: 2017-06-26


“小” means “little,” and “姐姐” means “sister.” A term first used by fans of the animation series “Love Live!” to call the members of a girls’ band who gave voices to the characters in the show on bilibili.com, this is now a common address people use to refer to their idols or just someone they like. It’s definitely not okay to call a young lady “小姐” (literally, “miss”) in China, which may have some bad implications (related to prostitutes) to sensitive ears. Until recently, people would call all young women “美女” (literally, “beauty”), but this new address is much more pleasing to the ear showing a sincere affection of the speaker.


A: 小姐姐,明天的生日会你到底来不来?

Xiǎojiějiě, míngtiān de shēngrì huì nǐ dàodǐ láibùlái?

Little sister, are you coming to the birthday party tomorrow?

B: 下午要开会,不知道几点钟可以下班。一结束我就赶过来。

Xiàwǔ yào kāihuì, bù zhīdào jǐdiǎnzhōng kěyǐ xiàbān。Yī jiéshù wǒ jìu gǎn guòlái。

I have a meeting tomorrow afternoon and don’t know when I’ll be off the hook. I will come to the party immediately afterwards.

(First editor: Debra Li)