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Catch Phrase| 后台暗恋(hòutái ànliàn)

Writer:   | Editor: Stephanie Yang  | From:  | Updated: 2017-07-31


“后台,” which literally means “backstage,” is used here in the sense of a computer program “running in the background.” “暗恋” means “having a secret crush on someone.” This term, coined by Chinese netizens, refers to the situation where someone has a secret crush on another, but controls and hides the feeling so well that it never disrupts his or her normal life. The person could even have normal relationships with people other than their secret crush.


A: 你有没有后台暗恋的对象?

Nǐ yǒuméiyǒu hòutái ànliàn de duìxiàng?

Have you ever had a secret crush on someone?

B: 有啊,高中篮球队的后卫,大学唱摇滚的帅哥,公司销售部的经理。

Yǒu a, gāozhōng lánqíu duì de hòuwèi, dàxué chàng yáogǔn de shuàigē, gōngsī xiāoshòu bù de jīnglǐ。

Sure, the guard of the basketball team in my high school, a cute guy singing rock and roll at my university, and the head of the sales department of my company.

A: 你的内存够强大的,好像他们并不妨碍你和别人谈恋爱。

Nǐ de nèicún gòu qiángdà de, hǎoxiàng tāmen bìng bù fáng’ài nǐ he biérén tánliàn’ài。

You must have a big heart, since none of them got in the way of you meeting other guys.

(First editor: Debra Li)