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Catch Phrase| 你有freestyle吗(Nǐ yǒu freestyle ma)

Writer:   | Editor: Stephanie Yang  | From:  | Updated: 2017-08-03



“你有...吗” is a question which means “do you have ...?” Freestyle here refers to the improvisation often seen in rap songs. Repeated several times by young idol Kris Wu during an episode of the popular singing competition show “The Rap of China,” the question quickly went viral and became to be used in other contexts. Roughly it means “Can you improvise” or “Can you think of an innovative solution?”


A: 这么热的天,干什么都没劲。

Zhème rè de tiān, gàn shénme dōu méijìn。

It’s so hot, and I don’t feel like doing anything.

B: 找个地方避暑啊。

Zhǎo gè dìfāng bìshǔ a。

Find a cool place and go there.

A: 好像哪里都热啊。你有freestyle吗?

Hǎoxiàng nǎlǐ dōu rè a。Nǐ yǒu freestyle ma?

It seems to be hot everywhere. Can you think of something innovative?

(First editor: Debra Li)